Yoga teaches us to relax, to manage stress, but it also increases the ability to concentrate.
Regular practice reduces muscle tension, but most of all it reduces mental tension.
During meditation we learn to observe and bring our mind into the present moment.
So here are some of the mental benefits of a daily yoga practice.
Clears the mind
Pranayama and meditation help to develop certain areas of the brain that are not commonly used. Awakening these areas increases our intuition and our ability to be fully present at any time, letting life to unfold and happen as it is.
Reduces stress and anxiety
By learning to slow down, breathe deeply, and do one thing at the time, we train our minds to focus on the present moment, the only moment that actually matters. Breathing consciously allows us to eliminate all unnecessary problems from everyday life.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, also known as bridge pose, is a great posture to reduce anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, and even headaches.
Savasana is another powerful posture to alleviate most of the emotional disorders that trouble those with a stressful routine. Combining it with deep breaths, the body and mind are completely relaxed, which helps to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Builds awareness
Many physical and mental problems arise precisely because we are not aware of certain parts of our body or thoughts.
When there is a physical problem, the body sends us signals, but it is up to us to listen to them and behave accordingly. This “listening” ability is known as body awareness and with a daily yoga practice, it can be developed gradually.
If we are not aware of our thoughts, we sometimes end up feeling victims of ourselves. Any action or word arises from thoughts, and the lack of awareness can make room for reactive or impulsive attitudes, causing discomfort.
Thanks to yoga, but especially to meditation, awareness can be cultivated so that we are no longer a slave of our own thoughts.
Another mental benefit that comes from this practice is concentration.
Have you ever tried closing your eyes and focusing on one thing for 10 minutes?
If you cannot, do not worry. It is normal because if the mind is not used to concentrating, it goes where it wants to go. Like a monkey jumping from one branch to another, the mind jumps between thoughts, desires, emotions, etc..
With daily practice we can develop incredible concentration, awareness, and as well clear our minds which will not only allow us to continue our spiritual journey more deeply and stress free, but it will also help us in our life off the mat.
Keep following this blog series for more benefits of yoga in your daily life.
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