The organ calendar for Tibetan Pulsing focuses on 24 organs. In the monasteries of Tibet they have known since time immemorial that every cell of the body consists of pulsating energy and that blockages in energy flows can lead to physical complaints. Tibetan pulsing healing brings the energies back to flow through gentle pressure on the body (on the bones) in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
In The Organ Calendar of Tibetan Pulsing you learn to look at your health with a holistic approach. You discover the function of your organs, but also the physical and psychological consequences when an organ is disturbed in its functioning. The book provides insight into the human energy system and a deeper understanding of patterns that have become fixed in the body, in the emotions and in the mind.
Throughout the year, twenty-four organs each receive special support for their specific function and problems for two weeks. The methods used are mudra meditations, healing flows and body-related exercises that you can do together with someone. This is how you stimulate your self-healing abilities with Tibetan Pulsing.
Only available in the Dutch edition.