'Turtle time - practicing in attention' is a reading and exercise book about mindfulness for children aged 5 to 10 and their (grand)parents, teachers, therapists and counselors. Turtle Keya and squirrel Nootje take you on an attention adventure through connecting stories, simple exercises, relaxing meditations and striking illustrations.
When raising children, the focus is mainly on physical health: hygiene, exercise and sleep, and a healthy and varied diet. Taking Turtle Time together supports their and your mental health.
Those who regularly take Turtle Time develop focus and patience, learn to accept and process (intense) emotions better. increases understanding and kindness to self and others. gains self-knowledge and self-confidence. feels faster what is needed to relax. has more eye and gratitude for the everyday.
“Can I also learn to take Turtle Time?” Nootje asks Keya. 'Of course. Come sit next to me. Then we do it together.”
Are you participating?
64 p
Only available in the Dutch edition.