At present, the natural influence of something important is being overlooked: electromagnetism. In the near future, this influence will have a major impact on nature, health care and agriculture, among other things. There is a natural electric current running through the ecosystem. It not only runs underground from tree to tree, but also connects bacteria to the Earth's magnetic field, controls people's brains and hearts, and connects birds and fish with peers. For example, all of nature is connected in an electrical circuit that even charges the water of the oceans. The role of electromagnetism is growing because knowledge about bioelectricity is increasing, artificial radiation is being used more and more and the electrical influence from the cosmos is increasing exponentially. This together can lead to a perfect storm that we do not see coming as long as it is assumed that everything in nature works exclusively through chemical reactions. That physical world view obscures the electrical side of life. What happens in that electromagnetic reality? What do we notice? How does it shape our future?
- Author(s) : Sander Funneman
- ISBN : 9789464353204
- Language: Dutch
- Number of pages : 229