Fuchsite is a very insightful stone. It strengthens your self-esteem and independence. In particular, the stone gives a lot of insight into the way people treat you and the way you treat them. It promotes healthy interaction with the people around you, without (mutual) dependence and power differences.
It stimulates unconditional love and encourages you to help people in a healthy, equal way without, for example, being sucked empty or crossing your own boundaries. The stone also works well for people who attract and absorb a lot of negative energy, emotions and tensions from people in their environment.
It reduces the tendency to assume a victim role and to end up in a victim role (due to your behavior or that of others). Fuchsite also provides insight into syndromes and can help you restore the natural balance by passing on information about the choice of, for example, certain medicinal herbs, essential oils, gemstones or (alternative) medicine.
Dimensions: 15x9x3 and weighs: 575 grams
How to clean:
Fuchsite should not be cleaned with water.
Associated Chakras: Heart Chakra
Disclaimer: the information above has not been scientifically proven; they are based on the experience of users and therapists.