Rutilated Quartz is a natural empowerer of our solar plexus chakra and is therefore responsible for our creative vein, for the strength that invades us to make it happen even when everything points to the opposite and for the desire to go further.
The rutile here increases these empowering abilities because this is a crystal with a very intense energy and great vibration that helps to expand even more the energy of citrine.
This is an excellent crystal for personal use to always be in our field of vision as it brings with it a lot of positive energy.
For those who have jobs that require a lot of mental effort and end up suffering from some anxiety because of this, this is a crystal to always have close by, and you should hold it during the day whenever you feel a lack of vitality.
All health pendants have a silver eye and are mounted in the stone by means of a rod. You can hang the health pendant on a chain.
Disclaimer: the information above has not been scientifically proven; they are based on the experience of users and therapists.