The Septarian is one of the oldest tools linked to Shamanism, working with past lives and having a strong connection to mother earth. This crystal reminds us that each of us was born with great spiritual power and that we have a responsibility to use that power to shine the Light in this world.
Septarian is a rock composed of three different minerals: The yellow center is calcite, the brown lines can be aragonite or siderite and the gray chalcedony or limestone.
The Septarian is a shamanic stone that seeks to assist us in the search for our true selves and to better understand the mysteries of this world. It offers protection for those working with other people's energy and provides a deep connection to the earth during meditation. The Septarian teaches us that the most sacred actions are those in which love and courage are linked.
This is a crystal for anyone who is working on Purpose in life and taking positive steps to manifest it in this world. This stone has a courageous energy that helps to release fears related to failure, poverty or making mistakes and instead encourages us to be curious and enthusiastic. At the same time it provides mental discipline and helps us remember that sometimes we have to let go of what we already know and be open to change even if it brings discomfort. It is a highly creative stone.
This piece of septary is about 10x12 cm
Disclaimer: the information above has not been scientifically proven; they are based on the experience of users and therapists.