Master Morya says:
"The Divine is soft. The Divine is infinite. It is all love. When you are engaged with the Divine, you cannot help but experience good things. Prayer is very important if you want it, but you if it isn't necessarily do. For all life is a prayer, it is one seeking God."
When Morya speaks of the Divine, he speaks from experience. Master Morya is one who has fully walked the path to God and now wants to share with mankind the wisdom he has received and experienced on that path. God is not a bearded man who sits far away in heaven; it is an intense, intelligent and pure presence in your innermost self. If you open up to this Presence, your sense of it and this inner contact can completely change the way you experience your life. The deep words of your life on a good handle can give you a lot of good advice on how to make your ordinary life on a good handle into something more joyful.
Only available in the Dutch edition.