Leptospermone, calamenthene, isoleptospermone
sweet, spicy, with a fresh undertone
One of the most powerful oils to boost the immune system. Manuka is used, among other things, for skin problems. This oil has properties similar to those of tea tree. Manuka is the more powerful of the two oils. Calming, with stress and anxiety.
Manuka is only found in New Zealand. There are two types, the "East-Cape" and the "West-Cape" manuka. We work exclusively with East Cape oil: it contains the important substance leptospermone, the others do not. Manuka, known to the Maori as ""kahikatoa"" is used by the tohunga, the traditional "doctors" as a "panachee", a remedy that can cure almost all complaints.
No side effects are expected in normal applications. No intake for babies, small children and pregnant women.
Disclaimer: our products are not to be used as replacement of medical or other professional help, care or support. In case you experience any health issues, always consult a certified doctor.