Let your imagination run wild and take a trip to a sunny beach or a quiet lake, fly along mountain slopes or visit a priestess in a temple...
The visualizations in this book bring you very easily into your inner world of experience. Sometimes they have a powerful effect, sometimes they are lightly relaxing. The images often come from nature and also contain mythical and archetypal symbols.
You can use the visualizations to create a moment of peace for yourself, to get inspiration for creative and intuitive activities, or as an introduction to a meditation. They are also very suitable for use in groups. A general explanation is given before the visualisations.
Tara Wilders did a training for healing and started her own practice in 1994. She has built up extensive experience in working with visualisations, both in an individual context and in group use.
- Author(s) : Tara Wilders
- ISBN : 9789460151088
- Language: Dutch
- Number of pages : 160